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Tuesday 9 February 2010

The 3 Famous Armband Tattoo Designs

One of the most famous kinds of tattoo would be the armband thing. Therefore when you decide to get one, you will realize that a wide range of options are tendered to you. You can go for a tribal kind down to the Gothic type. You are free to choose the armband tattoo designs that you intend to get. Understand that one of the reasons why this kind of tattoos is renowned is due to the fact that they are very adaptive. And during those times when the wearer doesn't like to show off his or her body art, they can easily hide them under the sleeves with no worries.

Here are some of your options:

1. The Celtic

This one is the first choice when considering the armband kind. This one represents the culture and art of the Celtics. To recall history, it was said that the Celts painted themselves through the use of blue extract of the tree known as the woad. They used these symbols during wars in order to appall the foe, while many of these tattoos contain certain meanings.

2. The Tribal

This kind of armband tattoo designs does not offer any precise civilization or even culture. This kind is created with the help of the different patterns which normally do not offer any meaning at all. On the other hand, this design is regarded to have originated from the different tribes across the world.

3. The Hawaiian

This is the latest trend when it comes to armband tattoo designs which is part of the Hawaiian culture. This tattoo tends to have a connection with the tribal tattoos. The designs would normally consist of different flora and fauna, such as dolphins, orchids, turtles, and many more. This is indeed a very great thing to have on your skin.

If you are interested in armband tattoo designs, you may visit armband tattoo designs to get an in-depth review of the most popular online tattoo galleries.

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